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Work in progress.

This project has been with me for ages. About 3 years, to be more precise.. I recall that it started out as a sample. I wanted to try out a new shape in a modular knitting technique, a letter T-shape.

At the same time, the sample served as a test-knit of my handspun yarn out of Silk Hankies.
Soon I was hooked on this T-shape and I sketched out a garment with short sleeves and began spinning and knitting.
It went well for some time. Then other projects and fabulous ideas came along and had to be delt with. I put my “T-shirt” aside and kind of forgot about it for a very, very long time..

But recently I digged it out, seriously determined to finish it now! There was (is) still some spinning to be done, and a few design issues to be taken care of. I try to keep good notes as I knit along so that there’s a chance that I can write some kind of pattern later on.. With projects like this, that just seems to take shape as you go and is full of surprices, it’s often very difficult to produce a written pattern. In my opinion it’s much more simple to knit modular projects from a drawing/sketch, with som key-numbers and technique-explanations added to it, of course.
Let’s see if I’ll be able to whip up a proper written pattern for this baby!

This morning I just completed the first shoulder.

The lower body, back and front, is almost all done, so now only shoulders and neck shaping remain. Borders too, of course.
I’m very pleased with how it turns out so far. The silk Hankies-yarn is nice to work with, and it looks great in simple garter stitch. I’m pretty sure the T-shirt is going to fit (me) nicely and that it will look good with my long brown summerskirt. Can’t wait to get it finished now! I’m off to do some spinning and knitting..