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Rosepath Rug #2

About a week ago I finished the first Rosepath Rug on my Finlandia loom. It still sits there on the loom, because I have to weave a second rug before I cut down and finish the work.

First rug finished!

I really like the look of Rug #1. I hope it looks good also when it’s off the loom and on the floor. Now it slowly dissapears from my eyes as it rolls onto the clothbeam..
For the second rug I first started out doing some weft-changing over the width, in order to create a rug with four color zones from left to right. I happily started working on the idea but it didn’t work out quite the way I had envisioned it. Gave it up. Then I took a break for a few days to think..

This is what I ended up doing:

Rosepath rug #2 – the beginning

The ground weft is a light gray wool yarn and the pattern weft is multiple strands of brown, red and purple yarns. I also altered the threading sequence to make this pattern – I like the way it looks – kind of old-fashioned. And Swedish.. 🙂
Take a closer look:

Swedish rosepath.

I would love to hear what you think! Does it look okay? (No, I will not show you my selvedges.. There is something to improve regarding those..)

6 tanker om “Rosepath Rug #2

  1. Hej Birthe…Tror jeg vil undlade den meget røde tråd et stykke af ” vejen ” måske lade den komme med igen senere. I stedet sætte en af de lyse ind indtil da.Det er svært at vudere, men den røde tråd generer mit øje.
    KH Karen Margrethe

  2. Tak for din vurdering. 🙂 Sådan bliver det også – de forskellige farver vil komme og gå. Jeg bruger restegarner, og der er ikke store mængder af hver. Planen er at jeg overvejende vil bruge røde farver, men også indblande brune og lilla nuancer.

  3. Det lyder som en god ide….. det med restgarner,glæder mig til at se det videre forløb.Jeg ville ønske det var mig der var i gang med at væve et tæppe. Jeg har lige fået et større rum ved siden af min værksted så nu skal der ske noget.
    KH Karen Margrethe

  4. I like the way it looks very much and your choice of warp and weft.

    1. Thanks a lot! I still have lots of left-over knitting yarns so I’ll probably weave something similar later on.

  5. Beautiful weaving! Regarding cutting off in the middle of a warp. You CAN do it and quite easily. Two stick tie on method is very effective and yields fabric before the warp is finished.
    Check out Peggy Osterkamps ‘favorite weaving technique’. You’ll never go back to knots again!

    I found this site looking for Rosengang threading to do Krokbragd.
    Keep up the good work.

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